News Release
Mueller and Davids Present Proclamation to Leroy-Ostrander Football Team
LeRoy, MN – State Representatives Patricia Mueller, R-Austin, and Greg Davids, R-Preston, presented a proclamation to the LeRoy-Ostrander 9-man football team, which won the 2021 State Championship.
“These student athletes worked incredibly hard to overcome the obstacles of the two years and came back to win the state championship game,” said Mueller. “I commend both the players and the coaches, who earned the state title with their persistence and determination. They played well as a team and were so fun to watch! Congratulations to the entire team.”
The LeRoy-Ostrander Nine-Man football team won their first state championship in team history, ending the season with a 12-2 record.
“This is an accomplishment the players, coaches, family members and fans will remember for the rest of their lives,” Davids said. “Congratulations to everyone affiliated with the Leroy-Ostrander program. We are proud of you!”