Labor market
Minnesota Reformer: Minnesota minimum wage rises to $11.13 per hour — and other labor news
Star Tribune: Minnesota H-1B workers nearly double in decade as businesses rely on visas more than ever
Economic growth
Star Tribune: Many Minnesotans overspent during the holidays. Now it’s time to clean up the debt
WDIO: ATVs drive economic growth in Northern Minnesota
Mesabi Tribune: Study highlights $36.1 million economic impact of ATV Riders on the area
Finance & Commerce: Twin Cities to add 95K jobs from 2022 to 2032
Duluth News Tribune: Local View: More child care key to unlocking economic growth in Greater Minnesota
Economic development
Star Tribune: ‘Drill, baby, drill’ is a dead-end for most states
Fox 9: Winners unclear as pay transparency arrives in Minnesota
KROC: Minnesota Employers Now Required To Share Wage Info
MPR News: Hospitality Minnesota will ask lawmakers for restaurant exemption to new junk fee law
State and local taxes and spending
InForum: Letter: Minnesota also has property tax problems
The post Minnesota’s Economic News — W/E 1/10/25 first appeared on American Experiment.