HF 9, which would repeal the state’s ban on new nuclear power plants, advanced this afternoon out of the House of Representatives’ Energy committee.
In addition to legalizing new nuclear power, the bill would promote hydropower, among its other provisions.
On a unanimous voice vote, the bill advanced to the Committee on Taxes. Today was an appropriate day to hold this hearing, as the state awoke to temperatures below zero. At hearing time, conditions in the mid-continent power pool region (MISO) had most of the region’s demand being met by coal and natural gas power,

The MISO region extends from Canada down to the Gulf of Mexico (America). Subzero weather is not unusual for Minnesota in January. Unusual for this January day was the blizzard warning extending for much of the Gulf coast
As has been the case, no Democrats showed up to today’s Energy hearing. Republican members heard testimony on the bill from nine individuals, representing nine different organizations.
The rural electric cooperatives and the state Chamber of Commerce were among the groups testifying in favor of the bill. Only the representative from the Prairie Island Indian Community (PIIC) voiced any opposition to the bill.
Not surprisingly, no environmental groups nor anyone on behalf of the Walz Administration appeared today. Democrats and Democratic-aligned groups appear committed to boycotting this year’s House proceedings until at least March 17.
Today, the state Senate introduced its own nuclear ban repeal bill (SF 350). The maximum number of five Senators have signed on to co-author the bill, a list which includes two Democrats.
HF 9 does not have the honor of being the first bill to advance in this year’s House. That honor fell this morning upon HF 3, a bill to strengthen the legislature’s oversight of executive branch agencies.
Day 8 of the state’s Constitutional Crisis rolls on…