Hello from St. Paul,


Today is our last day in committee, as we are marking the 3rd and final deadline of when bills can be heard and moved forward. From here, we will be spending the rest of our time on the House floor, dealing with budget bills that reflect more spending by the legislative majority.


You’ll recall last session, Democrats spent an $18 billion surplus and raised taxes by $10 billion. Now they have agreed to spend at least another $500 million this session, despite the fact we have a projected budget deficit to deal with next session.


Speaking of taxes, Tax Day came and went this week. I don’t know about you, but I was forced to pay more this year than I have in quite a long time. And that’s just in income taxes. Of the $10 billion in Democrat tax increases, we are still awaiting the increase to the gasoline tax to take effect, as well as the paid family and medical leave program that will be paid for by all workers and business owners, and the delivery tax on packages dropped off at your door. Other tax hikes included the Metro Area sales tax and motor vehicle registration fees.


So if you think you’re spending a lot now, (and a new report finds high inflation is already costing Americans an extra $1,000 per month,) just wait a few months.


This week in the transportation committee where I serve as the Republican lead, we reviewed the bills that were going to be included in the comprehensive transportation finance plan. It includes a noticeable amount of climate change mitigation.


For example, there is a mandate for zero emission buses across Minnesota. This will have a very huge impact on the cost of transportation. In many areas of the state, they simply will not be able to comply.


To me, we should be working on mitigation and utilizing developing technology that can also help with emissions. Why not look at all areas that could help reach a goal instead of concentrating on only one? If we were able to put policies in place that allow us to be more responsive when new technologies are formed, it would make it easier for the State of Minnesota to not only develop a long-term strategy but implement change quickly. Unfortunately, that plan of action will not be happening this year.


Talk to you next week,



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