Our President, Donald J. Trump, will be with us NEXT week. Make America Great Again Donald Trump Rally. Event Schedule Thu, October 04, 2018 Rochester, MN 06:30 pm (CST) DOORS OPEN AT 3:30PM (CT) Mayo Civic Center 30 Civic Center Drive SE Rochester, MN 55904...
Meet the Republican Candidates Banquet – Sept. 15th
Wabasha County BPOU and Goodhue County BPOU present: Meet the Republican Candidates Banquet September 15, 2018 - Social hour 5 p.m., Dinner 6 p.m., Speakers 7 p.m. Zumbro Community Church - 58354 County Rd. 7, Zumbro Falls, MN 55991 Single: $35, Couple $60 Ticket...
Steele County Free Fair, Aug 14-19
Please stop by the Steele County Republican Booth in the Four Seasons building at the fair starting August 14-19. Meet and greet candidates and get information on the upcoming General Election. Sign up to get a lawn sign supporting your favorite candidate. ...
Primary Election – Please Vote On Or Before 8/14/18
You can go to the County Auditor’s office on Florence (just north of Truth Hardware building) and vote any day Monday through Friday. You can vote on Opening Day of Steele County Fair on Tuesday, August 14, at your regular polling place.
Running for Minnesota State Attorney General, Doug Wardlow
An accomplished trial and appellate attorney, Doug litigates constitutional cases in defense of free speech, religious liberty, and rights of conscience in state and federal courts across the nation. Doug grew up in Eagan, Minnesota. He graduated magna cum laude from...
May 21 Gubernatorial Meet and Greet in Owatonna
CLICK HERE to register online WHO: MN State Delegates and Alternates as well as BPOU Party Leadership, WHAT: This is YOUR CHANCE to meet and greet the Republican Governor candidates (UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL) before we go to the Duluth State Convention. As delegates and...
2/6/18 Republican Caucus Straw Poll results
10 Keith Downey, 6 Mary Stephens, 33 Jeff Johnson, 7 Phil Parrish, 10 undecided
Congressional Debate – Monday, January 15 at 7:00 p.m.
Plan to attend the upcoming debate between First Congressional candidates Jim Hagedorn and Carla Nelson. The Steele County Republican Party will host the event at the VFW Hall in Owatonna (135 Oakdale) at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, January 15. All are welcome to attend and...
Minnesota Republican Gubernatorial Forum
The Where, When, & Who: Thursday, November 2, 2017 Owatonna Country Club, 1991 Lemond Road, Owatonna, MN 55060 6:00 pm – Social Hour, Meet & Greet (cash bar available, Business casual attire) 7:00 pm - Debate Admission: $20 in advance, $25 at the door (if...
Meet Gov. Candidate Phillip Parrish – Monday, Sept. 18th
NEXT COMMUNITY INFORMATION NIGHT: Monday, September 18 with Phillip Parrish. The Steele County Republican Party is pleased to host their fourth in a series of Community Information meetings on Monday, September 18, 2017, 7:00 p.m. at the Owatonna VFW at 135 Oakdale in...