Anna Olson, 651.297.8152
News Release
Sexton Officially Sworn In, Shares Committee Assignments
St. Paul, MN – Minnesota’s 2025 Legislative Session officially began January 14th as Rep. Tom Sexton, R-Waseca, and 66 other state representatives took the oath of office during an official ceremony at the State Capitol in St. Paul.
Rep. Sexton will be starting his first term here in the House of Representatives this week. He is ready and excited to work for the people of district 19B and Minnesota at large.
In his first term, Rep. Sexton has been assigned to serve on the following committees: Capital Investment, Energy Finance and Policy, and State Government Finance and Policy. Much of his work these first few weeks will take place in these committees.
To contact Rep. Sexton, call 651-296-5368, email, or mail to 2828 Centennial Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155.